Finally Finding Information...and taking lots of notes
What I did:
I started researching using the nutrition navigator that I found when I was searching around on the Internet at the very beginning of my project.
It was created by the Tufts School of Nutrition Science and Policy (a very reliable source). The reason why I started with this website was because of its purpose: a rating guide to nutrition websites. It has a very comprehensive list of nutrition websites organized in categories. The categories I used were Women, General Nutrition, and Weight Management.
I found a lot of amazing things through this portal…and I was really excited. I recorded the bibliography information and evaluated the sites. I was skimming and scanning to determine what information would be useful, in any or if all. Since there was so much useful information on each page, I decided to print the pages that had good information on them so I could work on them at a later time instead of taking notes right then and there. I stapled the printed pages to the cover sheet to make sure to keep them all together.
Here are the websites that were most helpful to me in gathering information:
This was created by the Dietitians of Canada to promote health through food and nutrition.
This was developed by the Mayo Clinic who’s mission is to empower people to manage their health. They accomplish this by providing useful and up-to-date information and tools that reflect the expertise and standard of excellence of Mayo Clinic.
This site is sponsored by Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Health-e-Weight for Women is a collection of information geared at making life changes in several areas that can contribute to your quality of life: your food, your emotions and feelings about food, and physical activity.
This site is sponsored by iVillage, The Internet for Women. It has many sections, like a magazine, including heath and fitness.
This site is sponsored by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and features the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005. This is only published every 5 years, and so it is very current!
This is sponsored by InteliHealth, a division of Aetna (the insurance carrier) and reviewed by Harvard Medical School.
Well…after all was said and done, everything was stapled, I sure had a lot of papers! But I did have some cool graphs and charts! I wanted to start sorting this information into a folder, but quickly found that these two topics are so closely tied together that the information from one source could easily be placed in both folders. With my organization scheme, I couldn’t place information from one site into both folders. So, I scrapped the folder idea and started sifting through this information and writing actual notes on the cover sheet so I would end up with one page per website. This proved to be helpful with eliminating a lot of the paper mess, but I still had some great charts and graphs, so I kept them stapled to each cover. In the end, I ended up with cover sheets including notes from each of these websites with attached documents that were too good to toss. Click here for an example:
Front -
Back -
What I discovered when I was reading through all of these websites (in printed form!), which ended up being very tedious, was that I had a lot of the same information. It was great because it really confirmed that the information that I was collecting was accurate. However, what a waste of paper and time! If only I had taken notes when I got to a site, I would have realized when I got to the next site that I already had that information. I wouldn’t have spent nearly the amount of time with it that I was spending with all of this “same” information. This made the “note taking” process feel even more tedious and laborious!
What I learned:
Boy do you get excited when you are finding good stuff:
I was addicted to finding great information. I couldn’t get enough of it…and so I kept printing it. This part was really motivating and I didn’t want to stop to take notes.
Takes notes as you go!:
I wasted a lot of time in two ways: in developing a search strategy that I didn’t follow and not following my search strategy by printing everything that I found relevant and worth taking notes on. I really like my organization scheme for bibliography information and evaluation of sources, however, I am not sure how effective it is to take notes on them and classifying the notes at the same time. I will end up working with the information three times(printing, taking notes, and classifying) because I can’t sort it into folders now so I will have to sort the information later. Critically important to the Research Cycle, developed by Jamie McKenzie, is that the findings are structured as they are gathered. I think, organizationally, that this is more important than using the notes section on my cover sheet. The notes section was very limiting because I wanted to sort my information into my two categories, but I couldn’t. However, if I would have taken chunks of notes and sorted them as I went, I would have easily been able to tell what information I already had already collected, and I could have skipped over that information on other web pages. The big question remains, how do you know which information comes from what source? The Pre-Search process, developed by Virginia Rankin, requires student’s note cards keyed to all resources to answer that question. In my case, I could have sorted the chunks of information and number the chunk according to the source it came from.
Revise search plan as necessary:
Even though I did not classify my information when I recorded it, I still was flexible in that I changed my original search plan when I realized that the folder idea was not working. I made it work to some extent in the end by simply taking notes from the information that I collected onto the cover sheet. These weren’t deliberate revisions, I think that it was innate to make it work for what I had and I just made it work.
The Internet isn’t so bad: So far, all of my information is from the Internet. I am feeling a bit uneasy about this because I feel like I should have gone to other resources. But, I realized that it isn’t bad because it has given me the information that I need, especially current information like the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.
What I can apply to my teaching:
· Taking notes and classifying as you go is very important. This needs to be a deliberate part of the process that my students will take part in whenever they are gathering information. I like the original idea I tried to follow where students will put note cards in an envelope labeled by question/idea. Even as note cards seem very archaic, it might be beneficial for students to participate in the “physical” part of placing information in categories several times before graduating to creating a web or making a list under the questions/ideas. As students are connecting information to questions/ideas, they will also be connecting information to sources (bibliography information will be written on the cover sheet that I developed) through numbering, color coding, etc.
· Provide scaffolding for students in revising search plans when they aren’t working and developing changes that will make it work.
· The Internet is a great place to find information, you just have to know how and where to look for it and/or find the right portal. I found the right portal, but I also knew how to look for it. Lessons need to be incorporated into most projects to strengthen students searching abilities on the Internet. It is also important to create a starting point for students, like a pathfinder. Having quality sites to go to will get them excited, like I was, when they find pertinent information.
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