Idea for organization
As I was finishing Skyhopper 4, an idea occured to me as to how I can organize my metacognative thoughts as well as what I am learning. I created a chart in Word that lists all of the steps in Wondering (I will do this for the rest of them when I am at that point). I was looking at the different types of journals from the Watching stage and realized that I could motfiy them to fit my needs. The ones that really interested me where the Metacognitive Journal ( that explores what I learned and how I learned it, the Reflective Journal ( that explores what happened, how I felt, and what I learned, and the Synthesis Journal ( that explores what I did, what I leanred, and how I can use it. Putting these three ideas together, I created my own journal that illustrates each step of the Wondering process that have the headings: What I did/What happened?, How did I feel?, What I learned?, and How I learned it?/How can I use it?. Anyways, I know we should be blogging as we go, but when I do some of these steps, I am not going to be near a computer, so I wanted a way to write down my thoughts and ideas as I go so I can have a record of them. I am anticipating my next entry to be about the Wondering stage...
Caio Chow...
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