Select a topic: How do I develop healthy eating habits for weight management throughout life?
What topics are you considering? Why? – I am considering both healthy eating/good nutrition and weight management for life. Although this makes a large project, I can’t see separating them. They are individual ideas, but how can you have weight management without researching good nutrition habits and vica versa. I want the whole picture, and just studying one will not get me the whole picture.
What’s appealing about this topic? – I have never been severely overweight, but I haven’t been skinny my whole life either. I don’t really understand how to eat well to maintain a healthy weight. I have tried different “diets,” but it has been temporary for me. This topic is appealing because when one understands good nutrition, it can become a lifestyle, not just something that is done to get ready for swimsuit season.
Is the topic likely to hold my interest? Yes, for reasons outlined in 3.
Is the topic useful in addressing the requirement of the project? Yes. To perform an inquiry project, it is led by personal interest, and this is of personal interest to me.
Is their sufficient information on the topic available locally or will remote resources be necessary? Well, with my diversion at the beginning on the Internet, I discovered that there is a lot of information on this topic…and the Internet is readily accessible to me.
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